Saturday, September 26, 2009

Amanda, Part 2

Please pray for Amanda!
If you do not know Amanda, please take a moment to read here what I wrote in May about this wonderful young woman.

Update :
Still cancer free.

And now, pregnant. :)

(She just started a blog because Matt said she had to since he was in Korea and couldn't be here. You can follow her story at And At The End I Get A Baby.


Sue G said...

And in a few months, you will be holding that child in your arms and rocking him or her.

Because Maura said so. And I believe her.

Erin, you share yourself with us so unselfishly. You gave us Maura and her story, and now you give us your journey as you walk through pain and grief and grace and dignity, clutching your heart for fear it will be torn from you. I wish this journey could be easier, or at least eased.

Would that we could share something with you that would bring you joy, albeit bittersweet.

Oh, wait, that will be Amanda. She will do it. Praise God.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow what a story and yet I do believe Maura knew more about Amanda than the rest of us and her words are coming true. Pretty amazing and those who I have shared her story with have been left speechless. Just beautiful Erin and thanks for passing on a little sunshine when so many share your grief.

Anonymous said... gives us all hope. Thank you...