Saturday, August 9, 2008


Chemo days of Cycle Four are over. Hurray! This cycle went very smoothly, with the exception of the one-day delay due to Tropical Storm Edouard. Maura refused all the hospital-administered ant-nausea meds on Friday and some of them on Thursday. She felt pretty good, under the circumstances. Her blood pressure and heart rate have been "acceptable." Nice not to have any scares like last cycle. Thanks again to all for the cards and visits. They mean a lot to her-to us.


jucineia said...

GOD IS AWESOME! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to know Maura is having some good days and see these beautiful trio smile...I love you Maura!

cofuzz said...

good to hear round 4 went smoothly. no new side effects hopefully.
thanks so much for keeping everyone informed.
i'll see you guys in less than two months.

Katie Hurter said...

Hello to Erin and Maura,

Loved the sassy pink wig. Reminds me of the more lovely than lovely young woman in sci-fi thriller Blade Runner. Or Cleopatra. Cool has no specific age.

love to all, hugs, and hurrah.